Advancing the science, technologies, applications, and art of remote sensing and related fields
Canadian Remote Sensing Society
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CRSS-SCT Statement Against Racism and Discrimination of Any Form
In recent years, the World has increasingly witnessed discrimination against ethnic minorities, indigenous peoples, and people with various race, gender, religion, language, sexual orientation and disability. The Canadian Remote Sensing Society embraces principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion and strongly condemns any act of discrimination through private or institutional racism. This includes discrimination based on race, gender, cultural background, country of origin, and religion. The Society is bilingual and inclusive, and represents a multicultural group of scientists, professionals, and students from academia, government, and the private sector in remote sensing and geospatial sciences. Everyone must be treated equally without any discrimination in their working environment. Members of the Society are invited to reflect on this statement so that we can look, ourselves, for ways to encourage dignity, respect, and understanding in our daily encounters.
Photo Credits

Tornado and heavy rain crop damage in southern manitoba on landsat mss – processed by ccrs
Dr. Bob Ryerson CMS, FASPRS, President, Kim Geomatics Corporation

Residential area, west of downtown Toronto
Arnold m. Hougham Vice President, Sales and Marketing, PCI Geomatics

Precision farming USA
MD Saifuzzaman Phd candidate, Bioresource engineering, McGill University

Canada us border on early lansdat mss. The image was used to demonstrate the geometric correction system at ccrs
Dr. Bob Ryerson CMS, FASPRS, President, Kim Geomatics Corporation

High resolution sea ice drift speed off prince patrick island (canada) as seen by terrasar-x sequential imagery
Dr. Anja Frost German Aerospace Center, Deutsches Zentrum Für Luft- Und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Remote Sensing Technology Institute, SAR-Oceanography