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Welcome to CSRS 2024

For 2024, the 45th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing (CSRS) will be located at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia from June 10th to 13th.  CSRS 2024, a ISPRS cosponsored event, will bring together academics, practitioners, vendors, and policymakers from the Remote Sensing community in an informative and productive four-day event titled Exploring Past, Present, and Future.

With workshops, keynote speakers, oral and poster sessions, exhibitions and panel discussions, attendees will enjoy cutting-edge technical content and networking opportunities. The symposium will be hosted in-person at Dalhousie University; with an awards banquet on the Halifax waterfront at Pier 21.

Further information on the venue, accommodations, program content, abstract submission and registration process will be posted to this web site in coming weeks and months. For updates, as they happen you can monitor our CRSS-SCT social media pages:

On behalf of CRSS-SCT and the symposium organizing committee, we look forward to having you join us for a cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural sharing of knowledge in Halifax!

Raymond Jahncke, Co-Chair
Forest Inventory Lidar Data Analyst, Nova Scotia Natural Resources and Renewables

Ahmed Shaker, Co-Chair
Associate Dean, Cairo and International, Toronto Metropolitan University

Any questions or suggestions regarding the symposium can be addressed to