A series of focused CRSS Working Groups complement the work of the CRSS Executive and provide a thematic focus for Society activities and initiatives. Each Working Group has a Chair and a set of members who meet regularly and are resourced by and report to the CRSS Executive. Membership on a given Working Group is open to any CRSS member. Each group should include at least one student member.
CRSS members interested in participating in one or more of these Working Groups are invited to contact the CRSS-SCT office at info@crss-sct.ca
Memberships & Certification
Conferences & Publications
Awards & Fellows
Memberships & Certification
Chair: Songnian Li
- Incentive programs for recruitment and retention.
- Initiate CRSS Chapters.
- Administer membership grades and criteria (e.g. Student, Member, Retired / Senior, Emeritus, Honourary Lifetime; Corporate).
- Create a directory of companies, agencies, educational institutions for better members networking.
- Employment Connections/Mentorship Program / career network, job board activities: Chapters activities.
Chair: Sasha Nasonova
- CRSS Web page; Social media (Facebook, twitter etc.
- CRSS Newsletter.
- Media, Press Releases; Email notice.
- CRSS Forum: Noticeboard, CRSS_LIST, Newslist_serv.
Conferences and Publications
Chair: Shabnam Jabari
- 42nd 2021 (Yellowknife, NWT)
- 43rd 2022 (Quebec City, QC)
- Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing Editor-in-Chief Report: Monique Bernier
- Conference abstracts and proceedings.
- Website (members only section).
Awards & Fellows
Co-Chairs: Monique Bernier, Yuhong He
The CRSS Awards Committee reviews the nominations and submit their selections to the CRSS Executive for approval. The awards are presented at the Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing Award Ceremony. The awards are:
- Larry Morley Gold Medal
- Silver Medal, Bronze Medal
- Val Shaw Award
- Outstanding Service Award
- Best Ph.D. Thesis
- Best M.Sc. Thesis
- Student Travel Awards
- Best Oral and Poster Student Presentation Awards are announced at the closing plenary session of the Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing.
Fellow and Associate Fellow designations
A sub committee chaired by Ells LeDrew was created