New submission deadline: 30 April 2024
The 44th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing (CSRS) will be held in Yellowknife from June 19th to 22nd 2023. Delegates can also participate virtually. The theme of this conference is “Remote Sensing for a Resilient Future: Monitoring our Dynamic Environment˝.
The Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing aims at publishing a special collection about all the topics presented at the 44th CSRS in June 2023. All the presenters of oral communications, interactive posters or pre-recorded videos are encouraged to submit an original manuscript.
All manuscripts will be subjected to peer review and a standard Article Publication Charge (APC). Research Papers, Review Papers as well as Research Notes, are all welcome and invited. Articles can be written in English or in French. All papers are published with the title and abstract in both languages.
Please note that the Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing is now a full Open Access journal starting January 2023 (Volume 49). Open Access (OA) means you can publish your research so it is free to access online as soon as it is published, meaning anyone can read and cite your work. The standard article publishing charge (APC) for this journal is US$2,010 / £1,545 / €1,780 plus VAT or other local taxes where applicable in a given country. Members of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI) and the Canadian Remote Sensing Society (CRSS-SCT) are eligible to a discount of 30% on the standard APC. Please provide the member discount code when generating your quote through the new Taylor & Francis submission portal for the Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. Prospective authors must follow the regular guidelines of the CJRS-JCT available on the Taylor & Francis website at:
Manuscripts must be submitted by 30 April 2024 via the Taylor&Francis new Submission Portal for the Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing under the Special Collection “ CSRS 2023 ” . Papers will be published as soon as they are accepted and be regrouped later in the special collection ©2024.
CJRS-JCT Editor-in-Chief: Monique Bernier, INRS – Québec City, QC, Canada
Email: cjrs-jct@crss-sct.ca